U.S. Homeschool Accreditation Program
Give your child a global home education
Do you want to enjoy a fully specialized learning system for your child? Or do you plan on sending your kids overseas to study? Are you an expat in the Philippines? Are you a Filipino family residing abroad? Maybe, you simply want to have full control of your child's education? Then this is the program for you.
Better Together Homeschool International has partnered with the Global Program of HomeLife Academy to extend US homeschool validation to families here and abroad.
A Longstanding Relationship
HomeLife Academy (HLA) Global has been at the forefront of homeschooling in the U.S. since 2003. They are also one of the trusted foreign providers in the Philippines. Their documents are accepted worldwide. Better Together Homeschool International is one of their Philippine affiliates with the longest experience in homeschooling with a US accreditation.
Local Representation
As HLA Global's leading affiliate in the Philippines, Better Together Homeschool International (BTHI) provides local institutional representation to its US homeschooled students. This set up allows for BTHI students to seamlessly transfer to local schools when they decide to do so, using their US credentials. This provides immense convenience to parents under the US Program as they have BTHI to help them transition to regular schools.
Your Child's Future
The experience and expertise of Better Together Homeschool International in homeschooling with a US accreditation has led to great opportunities for our homeschoolers, especially our high school alumni.

Acceptance in Local Universities
High school homeschool graduates of Better Together Homeschool International get accepted at top local universities in the Philippines using their US diploma. Other local universities have also offered placement to BTHI US program graduates.

A Global Community
Homeschooling under the US Accreditation program gives our students the freedom and flexibility needed to be able to adapt to any educational system, wherever they are in the world. Better Together Homeschool International was able to re-integrate homeschoolers back into mainstream schools not just in the Philippines but also in the following locations to name a few:
The Middle East, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Spain, Malaysia, United Kingdom, and the United States.
Talk To Us
Have questions? Concerns? Clarifications about the US Homeschool Program? Schedule a consultation with our Program Director and get your answers directly.

1. Birth Certificate
2. Previous Year's Report Card
3. Clearance from Financial Obligation/ Certificate of Good Financial Standing from previous school/ provider
4. ID Photo
5. For Grades 9 to 12, all report cards/ transcript from Grade 8
1. Birth Certificate
2. Clearance from Financial Obligation/ Certificate of Good Financial Standing from last school/ provider before going indie
4. ID Photo
5. For Grades 9 to 12, home records from Grade 8
6. Math and English Proficiency assessment test rating for proper placement (optional based on interview outcome)

Secure Your Child's Spot Today
In keeping with our mission to ensure quality service and provide a community to our families, Better Together Homeschool International opens only a limited number of slots each year for new students in the US program. Seize this opportunity to secure a slot for your family today and enjoy a hassle free and authentic home education.