Parents can enjoy their time with the kids.

Nurture your child's gifts

Enjoy customized learning specific to your kids' needs

Parents can enjoy their time with the kids.
Flexibility in a Changing World
Academic excellence is a by product of a love for learning. We believe that fostering this hunger for enrichment is important alongside developing the child as a whole.
At Better Together Homeschool, we allow parents to use any curriculum or method they see fit for their child's learning style and needs.
We can help you customise and tailor fit your resource materials so you can truly maximise your child's potentials.
You can choose from the following options:
Textbook Based
Fully Online
Combination of textbooks and online platforms​
We also believe that our kids are global citizens. Here at Better Together Homeschool, your child can have access to a global education.
You can choose from any of the following enrollment programs for your family's goals:
PH (Local) Enrollment for Dep Ed accreditation
US Enrollment for a more cost efficient option and full flexibility
Dual Enrollment to have the best of both worlds - the security of a DepEd accreditation with the full flexibility of the US Program.
For curriculum and program counseling, email us at admin@bettertogetherhomeschool.com or schedule a consultation with us through link below.